Special Educational Needs Information Report

Our SEND information report outlines details for parents/carers of children who have Special Educational Needs or a Disability (SEND) and all those who support children with additional needs. This information outlines the support and provision you can expect to receive at Eskdale School.

Eskdale School's Additional Needs Register is for all those who receive additional support. It is split into the following two categories.

Education Health Care Plans – this is for students that have been identified as having specific needs that require additional support to access the curriculum. They will be entitled to additional support as outlined in their EHCP and their teachers will adapt their work to meet their needs.

SEN Support – this is for students that have been identified as needing support due to not making expected progress due to a learning need. Students will be selected for additional booster programmes to help meet their needs to access the curriculum. Some students will have an outside agency working this them to help support e.g. Targeted Youth Worker, Social Worker, Teacher of the Deaf, Educational Psychologist.

The additional needs register will identify the area of need:

  • Communication and Interaction
  • Cognition and Learning
  • Social, Emotional and Mental Health
  • Physical and Sensory Impairment.

Identifying SEN Needs

  • we speak to feeder schools before transition to identify any students already highlighted as having SEN needs
  • all students are baseline assessed using literacy and numeracy skills yearly, this will happen in the first half term. Any mid-year admissions are tested. This monitors progress and highlights any student not making expected progress in these areas. If identified then an appropriate booster programme with be used to help boost progress within a targeted area
  • the school will refer to a specialist teacher for assessment or diagnosis as appropriate following consultation with parents/carers
  • we follow the SEN policy that is available on our website. This was written in consultation with teaching staff, parents and the SEN governor
  • if you have any concerns you can contact the SENCO: Mr J Jones (j.jones@eskdale.n-yorks.sch.uk)

Communication with Parents

  • the School’s website provides contact e-mails for all staff. The website is regularly updated and provides general information on events, access to policies and procedures and help and advice for parents. Parents can contact the school via the website, or directly via staff e-mails or school e-mail/telephone calls. Many Heads of Departments and Pastoral Managers have direct lines so can be contacted directly from parents/outside agencies
  • on open and parents’ evenings parents/carers are given information about how our students are supported in school, how students are assessed and how parents can contact school directly with regards to concerns/questions they may have relating to SEN

Consulting young people with SEND

  • students at Eskdale School are encouraged to take an active part in their education where appropriate
  • students are invited to take part in the SEN department student voice
  • students are encouraged to attend review meetings where appropriate.

Reviewing and Evaluating Outcomes

  • all EHCPs are reviewed on an annual basis. Reviews are carried out in line with statutory guidance for reviews
  • advice is provided by the school, external agencies, the student and the parent/carer. Documentation is shared in advance, and meetings held at mutually agreed times
  • summary advice is sent to the LEA, the parent/carer and school. Where appropriate students are always encouraged to participate in their meeting. Progress of other students with SEN support needs is monitored termly in line with school assessment procedures. Internal tracking systems are used to highlight progress of individuals as well as identified groups
  • all students on the additional needs register have their provision reviewed three times a year


  • students with SEN are identified as part of the transition process. Visits to primary schools are used to gain additional information as part of the in the Year 6/7 transition programme
  • the school holds open evenings in the autumn term and parents of Years 5 and 6 are encouraged to attend. Follow up visits can be arranged on a one to one basis and further discussions and contact with the SENCO is encouraged
  • at the transition meeting for newcomers to the School, key staff members are introduced to parents and students, the SENCO works closely with students, parents and external providers to ensure a smooth transition to Post 16 provision.

Teaching and Learning at Eskdale School

  • targeted use of literacy booster programmes, reading and comprehension programmes and numeracy booster programmes are delivered where appropriate
  • for students with dyslexia/dyslexic tendencies there are netbooks available in school to enhance the learning process, and to assist identified students with handwriting and recording difficulties. If students use this as their normal way of working it will be available for exams once in KS4
  • school works within the examination board guidelines to put into place access arrangements that are appropriate and meet the needs of the individual student
  • much training and staff development is given in-house e.g. dyslexia, strategies for HI students
  • individual teachers are responsible for making lessons accessible to all and for implementing the differentiation recommendations. Advice, assistance and support is given to all teachers if requested, by specialist staff to help with differentiation, modifying written materials and ideas to ensure accessibility for all students
  • we have specific staff to help source work placements both for Key Stage 4 students with additional needs. Learning Support Assistants do accompany some students that need additional assistance on placement
  • progress data is shared with parents twice each year, in written format as well as face to face at parents’ evenings
  • the SENCo is available to discuss individual students at any point, usually by appointment, to ensure privacy and confidentiality
  • the effectiveness of our provision is measured in the progress that individuals and groups of students make over time. The school is required to measure progress using nationally agreed standards and criteria, as well as progress in individual social, emotional or behavioural targets
  •  A Personalised Curriculum is offered where students cannot access their given timetable e.g. 1:1 support sessions or Arts Award as alternatives
  • Learning Support Assistants use individualised strategies and resources to promote independence, organisation, keeping to time limits
  • Students given access to netbooks and IPADS to use in lesson to enhance visual perception, writing abilities and processing skills.

Evaluation Provision

  • SEN provision in evaluated in line with the school policy subject evaluations. The SEN department has its own Subject Evaluation Form which is regularly updated
  • Provision Maps are used to identify different areas provisions. These are regularly monitored and updated


  • lunchtime clubs establish a circle of friends or other peer support systems and there is an impressive range of extra-curricular available to all students. The activities include, sport, music, art and drama. Parents are required to pay for individual music tuition
  • the school subsidises music tuition in one instrument for students in receipt of Pupil Premium
  • all clubs, activities and trips are available to all students, but may be subject to risk assessment.

Supporting Emotional and Social Development

  • the school has supported lunchtime clubs that are designated to SEN students and are invite only. These ‘safe havens’ are especially aimed at those students needing a more supported, quieter environment but encouraging social skills and interactions between students
  • one to one sessions and small group interventions are used to develop emotional awareness and support social skills and social awareness.

Working Together

  • school will consult staff from a variety of external agencies to advise and support across the range of SEND. Agencies are able to provide advice and strategies for teaching students with SEND and medical conditions
  • the Home/School agreement is signed at the start of each academic year and explicitly supports safety and safeguarding for all. There is a governor linked with SEN who reports back to the full governing body. This ensures there is a regular, comprehensive review of provision. The governing body regularly receive reports from the SENCo and track the progress and wellbeing of SEND students
  • a Care Plan is drawn up in conjunction between the parents, student and co-ordinator of well-being who may involve a medical professional

Handling Complaints

  • Complaints can be made through the complaints procedure as outlined in the school's complaints policy

If you wish to discuss any information in this report, please contact Mrs H Kirk, Acting SENCO

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