
Making the transition from primary to secondary can be a challenging time, particularly for those students with additional needs.

To make this transition as successful as possible, the following procedures are in place:

  • Head of Year 7 meet with Year 6 teachers and SENCos of every primary where every student is discussed in detail
  • students with additional needs are identified by primary schools and information about their needs is passed on
  • students may be recommended for interventions such as literacy/numeracy, break club, lunch club, nurture group

For each student, where there are concerns regarding their transition, individual plans are agreed. These plans can include the following:

  • visit with parents after school hours
  • visit with primary school staff during school hours
  • visit with parents during school hours
  • additional day at Eskdale School before full transition day

There are additional activities which involve all Year 6 students prior to them joining Eskdale School, such as:

  • PE/Games Activities
  • Transition Week
  • Open Days
  • Open Evening

Parents are very welcome to contact the SENCO to meet and discuss their son/daughter's needs or any concerns they may have.

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